The Vulture named Envy
A Meditation on Vultures Q: How is Envy like a vulture? A: It sits around staring sadly at what it wants until it can have what it...

What makes something beautiful?
We worship a God who is said to be "Beauty Itself." But in a culture that thinks all claims are simple expressions of emotion...

The Passion of Sts. Felicitas & Perpetua
Today, March 7th, is the memorial of Sts. Felicitas & Perpetua. This story was once so popular amongst the faithful that St. Augustine of...

Lenten Poetry as Anglican Heritage
The following poets are folks who happened to have also been Anglican Clerics, Laity, and Hymnists. Each poem is fitting for Ash...

The Seven Deadly Sins & Lent
Lent is about fasting, praying, and giving alms that we might better be united to Christ. Tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday where we eat all the...

What are Moral Virtues?
Moral Virtues are the fruit and seed of morally good acts; they dispose all the powers of the human being for communion with divine love...

How Technique and Method Overcame Virtue
Jacques Maritain (1882-1973) was a Catholic philosopher. He was raised Liberal Protestant and later became agnostic. He married, and...

What is Sexagesima?
We are now in the second week of Pre-Lent in the Ordinariate Calendar. Today, Sunday, the Solemnity of the Chair of St. Peter, the...

Pre-Raphaelites: Anglican Heritage as Art
The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was a group of three: Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Holman Hunt, & John Everett Millais all in their...

What is Septuagesima?
Today is the start of Pre-Lent in The Ordinariate. In Ordinary Form parishes it is Ordinary Time VI. The Ordinariate has restored a...