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S. Alban Altar Servers Guild

Men and Confirmed boys who wish to serve at Mass, including instituted acolytes, thurifers, crucifers, torchbearers, boatboys, bookbearers. Men are moved up to Acolytes and/or MCs.

Head of Guild: Mr Stephen Pritchett


S. Michael
Porters Guild

The Porters welcome people at the door (portal) of the Church, assist at Divine Worship: presenting offerings at the door to heaven: the chancel gate, assist in seating, and protect the Church like the hosts of heaven.

Head of Guild: Mr Michael Hietter

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All Souls Guild

This guild prays for the dead daily, cleans the Bishop Cemetery, helps with funeral receptions, helps raise funds for funeral items, and will help establish the future Saint Aelred Graveyard.


Head of Guild: Mrs Whitney Boroski


S. Frideswide
Ladies Guild

Women's Guild committed to praying Evensong from The Daily Office, reading of spiritual books and fiction, as well as having fellowship with one another ordered toward holiness through the English Christian Patrimony. Meetings are Tuesday at 6:00 PM

Head of Guild: Mrs Kate Templeton

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S. Walstan Garden Guild

Provides one-hour consultations with implementation schedules and work days for increasing your land's flowers, fruit, and animals, all within the bounds of beauty and budget.



Head of Guild: Mr Grant Williams


Holy Hildegard
Choir Guild

Men, Women, & Children's Guild practices singing the propers, hymns, & psalmody that we may better "worship the LORD in the beauty of Holiness." Practices are Wednesday at 6:30 PM.

Head of Guild: Choirmaster Conn

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Holy Myrrhbearers
Altar Guild

This guild is for those who take care of the body of Christ at the altar: changing altar frontals and hangings for the seasons and saints days, sewing projects, mending vestments, flowers, and polishing vessels.

Head of Guild: Mrs Maureen Coffman


S. Joseph the Worker Guild

Men's Guild that literally builds up God's church: making an altar, communion rails; fixing windows, lights, doors, etc. These men maintain the church, the Holy House of Christ, just as St. Joseph once built up and maintained a home for the Christ Child.

Head of Guild: Mr Will Gearhart 


S. Newman Catechesis Guild

The religious education of our children is the fulfillment of our promises in Holy Matrimony & at our Baptism. CCD-Sunday School & Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) provide lifelong formation and sacramental preparation with trained, orthodox catechists and a substantial curriculum.

Head of Guild: Mrs Tonia Landt-James


S. Bede
Lector Guild

Lectors are folks devoted to the Scriptures, meditating upon them, and confidently and reverently reading the Old Testament and Epistle Lessons at Mass for the faithful.

Head of Guild: Mr Ahmaud Templeton


S. Brigid
Hospitality Guild

This guild oversees Sunday dinners, facilities, new member receptions, & feast day celebrations, decor, and meals. This devotion is an extension of the Mass: we share a meal with God, then with our neighbour.

Head of Guild: Mrs Sarah Newell


S. Thomas More Academy

Saint Thomas More Academy is an educational program that honors the theological order of the domestic church, affirming parents as the primary educators of their children. Saint Thomas More currently offers a one- or two-day program for students aged 3 - 14.

Head of Guild: Mrs Megan Tipton
web site: click here


Pope Benedict XVI KoC Council

Men's guild united in faith, fellowship, charity, & brotherhood for The Works of Mercy, as well as the virtuous, intellectual, & social formation of its members

Knights of Columbus
Council # 18154.



Head of Guild: Mr Lance Miller

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