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Map showing 15.3 acre plot of the future Saint Aelred Catholic Church

A parish Church is a particular place where The LORD throws his banner down to earth, declaring it His once again: "THE earth is the LORD'S, and all that therein is" (Psalm 24:1). He sets this particular track of land apart for His Divine Worship, restoring its original purpose through the offering of The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is where we practice now what we shall do for all eternity. It is a portal between heaven and earth, holy ground, where any and all can approach the Holy of Holies, the very Sacred Heart of Jesus, to find grace in times of joy and in suffering. The parish church is a sacramental: an outer sign of an inner reality, that God dwells amongst men as our Divine Friend. The parish church is a Divine Society, one where "community" is held together by communion with the LORD and all His saints. The parish church, therefore, should be beautiful, a meet and right offering for the God who is Beauty-Itself, an offering of our lives for the God who became Man, that we might become like God.

Select "Land Fund" from the drop-down menu

Goal: Raise $75,000 for the Land Fund
☒ Land Cost: $400,000 (15-16 acres)
☒ Church Land Fund: $250,000

☒ Donor will match up to $75,000 of parishioners' donations
Have a Contract drawn up and signed to purchase land

Goal: Acquire Architect & Site Plan
☒ Land Clearing Stage I: for camping, festivities, etc.
☒ Academy Park Day and/or Camping Trip on the Land
☒ Master Plan

☒ Easter Octave, Whitsunday, & Corpus Christi festivities on land (in progress)
☐ Initial Blueprints
☐ Capital Campaign

Goal: Build initial Church, Parish Hall, & Classrooms
☐ Land Clearing Stage II: for initial buildings
☐ Initial Building(s)

Updates from Saint Aelred
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